First, let me call myself out and take accountability. It is clear that we did the Experience God package in November WITH our Halloween decoration still up and I am just posting this now. If this doesn't exemplify that I am NOT a supermom and just a plain old regular mom who happens to be a Believer in Christ and home schools, I don't know what does. I do apologize for not being as timely as I should be but can promise you that I am human and I'm doing my best. I am still a work in progress, just like you.
Now, let's get to why you are really here. Well, there could be a multitude of reasons. You could be checking out my writing style for employment or book publishing purposes, you could be a person who is here solely to roll their eyes and critique and judge me, you could be here because you are a great friend and want to support me or you can be here because you would like to see how I use Mother Goose Time during our faith centered sessions. Either way, I hope that you will leave here knowing that Jesus does love you and wants you to be happy. Just look at these children's faces in the pictures - loved, happy, intrigued, etc. That is not because of anything I do, it is all because of Christ.
Each month, we get this amazing box with a school bus on it delivered right to our door. It is essentially like Christmas every time! Inside of it we get the curriculum, lesson plans and supplies we will need. It is a different them in each box. During this session, we spoke about how God wants us to follow him.
You have the option to do it daily or once a week. I have been trying to figure out a way that it works for all of us and for this session, we did it a few times a week (hence the wardrobe changes). My children are 3 and 5 so short bursts of information is always better and most of these are hands on fun games and/or crafts so they are excited to do the "God work".
There are many different activities given in the package but I will highlight just two in hopes that you will love what you see and hop on over to
Mother Goose Time and order your Christian Program today!
Now, any project that involves tracing hands and/or feet Daniella (3 years old) jumps right into (pun intended). So, when I explained that we were going to be tracing our feet today she was very happy. We did this to symbolize that we will use our feet to run to Jesus. He does not want us to walk to him slowly, He wants us to run fast. Jesus loves us so much that he cannot wait for us to come to Him. I also asked them how they can show they are walking with Jesus. Sonia (5 years old) wrote in her foot that she can love, hug and pray. Daniella decided she will give her picture to Jesus. Here we are, in foot print mayhem.
Now, our favorite (possibly of all time) art project was the moveable art. With detailed instructions and the right amount of supplies for each child, we were able to create a craft that we could move up and down to show us walking towards Jesus. Side note, one other great thing about Mother Goose Time is that, not only, do they provide detailed instructions, lesson plans and a well thought out and designed curriculum, they also provide most of the supplies that you will need to create the activity per child. This means, you know you always have everything you need as long as your house is stocked with the staple items i.e. tape, glue, scissors, etc. and that you won't be left with a cabinet filled with an overstock of craft supplies!
So, before we started our craft we talked about ways we can walk towards Jesus. Kindness, love, compassion, forgiveness. Sonia also mentioned that lying and hitting her sister is not walking towards Jesus and I used that teachable moment to discuss with her that, though, Jesus does not want us to do those things, He will always forgive us so long as we run towards Him and try our very best to learn from our mistakes.
Of course, a craft is never just a craft with a Biblical lesson. MGT incorporates fine and gross motors skills, patience, sharing and so much more.
Let me know what you think of the craft!
Here's the most important part of this program, as with any Christian based program, MGT teaches us lessons that keep us talking most of the day. We carry out our lessons in our daily lives. We have crafts that we can hang on the wall or play with that evoke even more questions or memories of past lessons. It's truly a blessing to have the opportunity to teach my children with such a quality, well thought out, Bible based company.
We also use the preschool curriculum in our home school, if you want to read more about those lessons, read archived blogs or check back for future posts.
And for the Moms and Dads, I have begun a Christian based blog, Perfectly Imperfect Life Warriors, and I will be kicking off some great Bible studies to inspire and empower us as we walk with Christ together. Next on the agenda is Proverbs 31:2016 - 31 verses in 31 days! Check it out!
** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.