Daniella was napping but Sonia kept asking to do Mother Goose Time, so we did the throw and catch lesson. When she had to run to each letter, I challenged her at her level and had her name one word that began with each letter. She had to keep naming them until she finally caught the ball and then she could run to the next level. Let's just say, she takes after her momma in physical activity. It took her many many times to catch the ball. But we had a ton of giggles and it was all worth it. This activity taught her concentration, determination and she felt the feeling of accomplishment after not giving up and finally catching that ball. In her defense, I don't throw well either. :)
To my surprise, she loved target toss. We kept the game ready for Daniella when she woke up and, though I didn't have my camera, I listened from the kitchen and could hear the two of them playing together. What a relief! This winter has taken over these girls and we have had a ton of fighting! It was really nice to hear some giggles as opposed to the shrieks I have been hearing.
We put on some Christian music and began doing our ball patterns. Sonia turned each movement into a ballet move and it was adorable.
The catch-it cup was a big hit for Sonia and kept her busy for quite awhile. She would get frustrated from time to time but this was time for me to reiterate patience, determination and a sense of accomplishement.
You see, Mother Goose Time is more than just learning a skill set or a lesson plan, its building character and making memories.
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And for the Moms and Dads, I have begun a Christian based blog, Perfectly Imperfect Life Warriors, and I will be kicking off some great Bible studies to inspire and empower us as we walk with Christ together. Next on the agenda is Proverbs 31:2016 - 31 verses in 31 days! Check it out!
** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.