Thursday, September 17, 2015

Today was full of emotions...

Literally! We learned about feeling Happy, Sad and Surprised! After our circle time, we did some exercises exploring how our face moves when we're feeling these emotions. 

The boys and girls loved our first activity! They had no problem identifying the happy, sad and surprised faces drawn on the whiteboard. 

What better way to explore our faces than to use a mirror? Here we are crafting up a hand held mirror to see how our lips move when we're sad, how we look when we're surprised 
and how many ways you can smile when we're happy! 

As story time approached, we got some snacks prepared and I took out a silly little prop! We read, "The Woodcutter's Woes" and learned more about feeling happy, sad and surprised. Each time the word "sausage" was said in the story each child got a sausage taped to their nose, and boy were they surprised! The story had a great lesson, we learned that happiness comes from the heart and not from the things we buy. Except popcorn - doesn't popcorn make everyone happy? 
We popped right in to introducing the letter "P" by popping popcorn - and ourselves - 
around a big letter P taped on the floor! 

After we pop-pop-popped, we made the letter P out of our popcorn 
and then enjoyed it as a tasty treat! 

We continued our lesson with a Feeling Shapes Game. Sometimes we feel more than one emotion at a time, so each child chose two shapes from the bag and created a pattern by tracing it onto their paper. They were so creative they even drew different emotions on the shapes they traced!


We closed our day with a game of Red Light, Green Light 123 outside, 
using happy (green) faces and sad (red) faces. 

With a few distractions from the airplanes flying by, we redirected the children by extending our arms and flying back to the start line for another round of Red Light, Green Light 123. 
** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.

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