Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Martin Luther King Jr. Spreads Kindness

Yesterday, we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. I took the opportunity to, age appropriately, educate Sonia on this historical figure and what he did for us. As a family that is surrounded by multiple races she was confused as to why anyone would be treated differently. I teach my children that we all have the same heart and God made all of us the same, so though we make look different, we all have the same feelings and deserve the same treatment.

I read her the story that was provided in Mother Goose Time's January box and she held up the happy and sad face. Having something to do while I read keeps her engaged and really helps her follow along because she is listening for her clues.

We talked about peace and what that means to us and I showed her a peace sign and how to draw one and write the word "peace". For the rest of the day, she pointed out peace signs (we have a lot) and was so excited that she finally knew what this meant.

After that, we did some art and I showed her a picture of the Earth and children of all races holding hands around it. She took her time and duplicated it.

After all of that sitting, it was time to start moving so we jumped into Mother Goose Time's Peaceful Poses activity. First, we tried out all of the poses and then we spun the wheel to let the wheel choose what pose we go into next. It was fun - I even got into it and Sonia took some pics!

How did you celebrate Martin Luther King Jr?

"Like" us on the Chicken Nugget Mom Facebook page to see what we are up to each day.
And for the Moms and Dads, I have begun a Christian based blog, Perfectly Imperfect Life Warriors, and I will be kicking off some great Bible studies to inspire and empower us as we walk with Christ together. Next on the agenda is Proverbs 31:2016 - 31 verses in 31 days! Check it out!

** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.

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