Saturday, July 25, 2015

Floating in the Air

What a fun way to start our day! A fun science experiment! A feather float test.

Mother Goose Time provided us with various feathers of sizes and shapes. We began our experiment. The entire experiment took about 25 minutes and she had a lot of fun. Two feathers at a time, she dropped them while standing on a chair to see which one took longer to hit the ground. She learned that if she threw them up then it would take them longer to float to the ground. The medium sized red feather won!

When I asked Sonia what she could use to float in the air, she said a helicopter and a kite! Cute! I showed her a picture of a hot air balloon and explained how they work. When I asked her if she would like to go on one, she said NO! She might be scared. too!
She didn't want to decorate her cup or the balloons and said they were perfect just as they were so we went straight to building our very own hot air balloon.
She started out by punching out the balloon shapes.

Then she folded them and began to tape them together. This was a bit difficult for her (and I) to figure out how they fit, but we figured it out!

She laced the yarn through the holes and attached them to the cup with tape.


TA DA!!! All done!

Now, lets add some passengers and see how it works. Of course, she chose her Shopkins to go for the ride.

** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.

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