Saturday, July 25, 2015

Floating in the Air

What a fun way to start our day! A fun science experiment! A feather float test.

Mother Goose Time provided us with various feathers of sizes and shapes. We began our experiment. The entire experiment took about 25 minutes and she had a lot of fun. Two feathers at a time, she dropped them while standing on a chair to see which one took longer to hit the ground. She learned that if she threw them up then it would take them longer to float to the ground. The medium sized red feather won!

When I asked Sonia what she could use to float in the air, she said a helicopter and a kite! Cute! I showed her a picture of a hot air balloon and explained how they work. When I asked her if she would like to go on one, she said NO! She might be scared. too!
She didn't want to decorate her cup or the balloons and said they were perfect just as they were so we went straight to building our very own hot air balloon.
She started out by punching out the balloon shapes.

Then she folded them and began to tape them together. This was a bit difficult for her (and I) to figure out how they fit, but we figured it out!

She laced the yarn through the holes and attached them to the cup with tape.


TA DA!!! All done!

Now, lets add some passengers and see how it works. Of course, she chose her Shopkins to go for the ride.

** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.

Writing with Trees!

Sonia absolutely loves the draw and dictate activities that Mother Goose Time provides us. This week she drew her story of how she would like to play in a tree. She is getting very good at dictating a cohesive story with a beginning, middle and an end.

We talked about what kinds of fruit grows on trees before we began our exercise. I let her peel the orange with me and serve herself a bowl. She changed up the rules of the game and decided that each time she got a matching letter, she would eat a slice of orange...fine with me!
First, she cut apart her board and chose the one she wanted to use. Then she began to cover each letter with an orange bingo chip.

Off we go! We began to pick the letter cards and see if they matched and she began to eat!


I added a bit of a challenge and every time she picked a letter, she told me a word that began with that letter as well.
Daniella jumped on my team and helped me find the matching letters.
Sonia was the winner!
** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Counting In Trees

We finally took out our July's Nature Detective Kit and put it together! Yes, I know we are a bit late. But, never late then never!

We used our numbered bags to count rocks that we had found at the beach. For Sonia, I gave her the higher numbers and Daniella got the lower numbers. Also for Sonia, we did some adding and subtracting while Daniella just focused on counting and number recognition.

The adding tree was fun and Sonia really got into it. She rolled the dice, put them in the proper place an added them. Then she found the number and placed that on the bottom. After that, she counted the corresponding number of acorns and placed them in the tree.

Sonia began her Nature Collection book and it was really great to see her writing and drawing what she wrote.

We spoke about how even trees have ages and they can become very old. We can find out how old a tree is by counting the rings on the trunk after it is cut down. The girls made their own trunks! Here they are!

** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.

Painting with Preschoolers: Curriculum Made Easy Thanks to Mother Goose Time!

Well, well, well. Just when you think you have thought of it all and have utilized all of the different painting manipulatives one can use, Mother Goose Time, gives ya more! Now, anything involving paint is always a hit over here so I knew that todays activities would be great fun. I had no idea that this would end up being an all day event! I love when they get so involved in an activity, they lose all sense of time!

This is what I simply admire about using Mother Goose Time. It, not only inspires the children and makes learning fun, it challenges me to become a better educator. Sometimes, I am at a loss with how to segue to the next activity, or what books I should read to tie the themes together, or even which discussion questions to ask to keep their growing minds going. However, the Teacher Guide solves all of this. It literally outlines every little detail of the entire teaching session so that it flows well, gives me ideas to follow and branch off of as the children guide me into another direction and keeps us all inspired to continue with our home school education.

We started out connecting the first activity to the theme of the month: nature. Thanks to the beautifully compiled Teacher Guide, I began with the first discussion question: What colors could you find in a tree? Both girls rattled off every color they could imagine and for some reason this made everyone giggle. I have no idea why, but hey, a giggle fit with the girls, I'll take it!

It happened to be a rainy day, so we couldn't go on to the "Explore" prompt but we took it inside. The prompt said to invite the children to search the outdoor area and name all of the colors that they see. Which colors do they see the most? Least? We did our exploration by looking out the window and by searching the house. This was one of the activities that surprised me. They didn't just want to explore the playroom, we went into EVERY room. We learned we saw a lot of pink and brown and not a lot of green and white inside of our home. And that there was a lot of green and brown and not a lot of pink and purple outside of our home. I ended up forgetting to take the camera with me because we all got so involved, so unfortunately, no pictures for this.

We sat down at our table and I took out our color spinner and put the paint and paper on the table. It has been a few months since we began Mother Goose Time and we are finally able to have both girls at the same time, without distracting each other,listen to the directions. Following through isn't always great but it is progress not perfection!

This activity worked on color recognition, visual arts, following direction as well as self direction. I started out by asking both girls to paint a brown trunk.

Then I let them take turns, on their own, spinning the wheel and painting the leaves. They actually did it!

How beautiful!

Next up was Stamping Trees. Again, I began with the discussion question, "What color is your favorite kind of tree or plant?" Sonia's was red and Daniella's was green. I followed the plan outlined in the guide and encouraged the children to choose their favorite paint colors to make a tree design.

I gave them each a piece of paper and some tape and let them place the tape on the paper wherever they wanted. I explained that after the paint dries, we would take the paint off and the design would be there.

Now, the fun part, painting with pom poms!

We did let the paint dry and we did peel it off, but I never took a picture. I'm sorry!

** Mother Goose Time allows me to follow two of my biggest passions. Educating my children and writing! I am honored to work with Mother Goose Time. I do receive the curriculum in exchange for my blog posts but every word in here is honest and a true example of this curriculum in a multi age home practice.