Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Soups On!

We read a beautiful story that shows the power of sharing, caring, showing empathy and never giving up. Sometimes, when we read these kinds of morally good stories, I can't help but take a few lessons away myself. It just goes to show that, no matter your age, you are never done learning.
Mother Goose Time is a constant reminder to my girls and myself that we need to continue to be kind, open hearted and loving. The best part about this well rounded curriculum is that from these "feel good" stories, we also learn other skills. Let's see what this activity had us learning.

I laid out all of the pieces and supplies and just sat back and watched. This is how my kids learn the best. I allow them to create what they want, how they want and with whatever supplies they would like. Sonia went right to gluing her veggies onto her pot.

Daniella did some sensory work before she began to put the veggies onto the paper. She touched the glue, played with the paintbrushes and then put on lots of layers of glue onto her veggie before it was ready to be placed. She peeled off a few, put more glue and stuck again too.

When Sonia decided to move on to the letter pasta, we spelled whatever words we could with the letters that we had. She recognized all of the letters and showed off her fine motor skills by picking them up one by one and placing them on her pot.

Daniella loved the feel of the pasta and we worked on the letters by singing ABC's while she explored the pasta.

 This was a nice exercise for us. We all had a blast and we even made some soup together afterwards. They did not eat it but enjoyed making it with me.

Thank you Mother Goose Time for giving us another bonding moment where we were able to build our skills together and character!


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